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Statistics Ghana provides accurate analytical data in many forms, avaliable to the public for free.

Surveys are used as a method of gathering data in many different fields. These are good choices when one wants to find out about the characteristics, preferences, opinions or beliefs of a group of people.

Our research team is capable of designing a research study, conduct of full evidence-based research on statistics, social and economic issues for profit and non-profit organizational bodies and students as well as individuals.

Our well-resourced Research team make full use of the Survey softwares to deliver high quality analyses, in-depth written and tailored Reports, as well as bespoke charts, data coding and cleaning. Results can be delivered in a range of formats, including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, PDF and SPSS.

Our Research team are experts in setting up surveys and to make the most complex ideas a reality using a range of interactive question styles to making sure questionnaire can gather useful and reliable data. We build a much robust Capi data collection Application using KOBO COLLECT and CSEntry/CSPRO for easy collection of data. 

Relevant and high-quality evaluation is an important tool to track the progress, results and effectiveness of data collection programs. Evaluation is used to systematically collect and analyze information to improve program effectiveness and inform decisions. Along with monitoring, evaluation contributes evidence to improve strategic planning, project designs and resource decisions, and they are part of a greater body of knowledge and learning.

With an ambitious and committed team, our Monitoring and Evaluation services are purposeful and result-oriented with an aim of achieving the highest degree of customer satisfaction.

The manner in which data is collected, processed and analyzed directly impacts the quality of results rendered. We carefully consider what needs to be uncovered, as well as the type of methodologies needed to uncover it.

Our well trained and expert Data Enumerators use in-depth interviews (IDIs), key informant interviews (KIIs), quantitative and qualitative data collection strategies/skills to collect data.

Questionnaires are administered one-on-one or to a group of people (Focus group interviews) to suit the research objectives.